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GE:IC693  IC695  IC697系列 

Schneider(施耐德):140  TSX 系列 

Siemens 6DD,6FC,6SN,6FC,6S5系列,Foxboro系统卡件,



Gould ITEHJ3-F400 400 Amp Circuit Breaker w/ 175 A Trip 600V HJ3F400 I-T-E400A

Gould ITEHJ3-F400 400 Amp Circuit Breaker w/ 350 A Trip 600V HJ3F400 I-T-E400A

Gould I-T-EHM3-F800 800 Amp Breaker w/ 600 A Trip HLM HM Type ET ITEHM3F800

Gould I-T-EHP3-F160 1600 Amp Cordon Breaker w/ 1200 A Trip HP3F160 SiemensITE

Gould ITEI-T-E CN3-S800 800A Cordon Circuit Breaker Type ETS CN CN3S800 800Amp

Gould I-T-EJKL3B175 175 Amp Breaker 175A Trip Type ET 5745 Siemens ITEJKLB175

Gould I-T-EJKL3B300 300 Amp Breaker 300A Trip Type ET 64718 Siemens ITEJKLB300

Gould I-T-EKM3B600 ET 9691 800 Amp Breaker 600 A Trip Type ET KM SiemensITE

Gould I-T-EKM3-F800 800 Amp Circuit Breaker w/ 600A Trip 600V KM3F800 800AITE

Gould I-T-EKM3-T800 800A Trip Unit for KM3 Circuit Breaker KM3T800 ITE 800Amp

Gould ITERIC3100 100A 600V 3PH 3W XL-X Circuit Breaker Plug BusplugREC3100

Gould I-T-ESHK3-B500 500 Amp Sensitrip Circuit Breaker 500A Trip SHK3B500ITE

Gould ITEV7E3633 100 Amp 600V Fusible Vacu-Break Panelboard Switch 100AI-T-E

Gould ModiconB230 115VAC Output Module B230

Gould ModiconB230 115VAC Output Module B230

Gould ModiconB231-501 115VAC Input Module AS-B231-501 PLC Module InASB231501

GouldPC-0085-005 Programmable Control Module Rev A ModiconController

GouldPC-0085-103 Rev. A Programmable Control Module PC0085103 24VDC 1.8Amps

GouldPE-0001-000 Power Supply 115/230VAC 1.2A PE0001

GouldPE-0001-000 REV A 115/230VAC 1.2A Power Supply

Gould ShamutAmp Trap A155F1D0R0-100E 100A 15.5kV Fuse

Gould Shawmut225-007-969 Amp Trap CL-14 20E 15.5kV NIB

Gould ShawmutA055C2D0R0-600E 5.5 kV Current Limiting Power Fuse Amp-trapCL-14

Gould ShawmutA1-100C630TS 630A/1000VAC Amp-trap Fuse Series Q 100kAA1-100C

Gould ShawmutA25X800 Amptrap Fuse 800A 250V Form 101

Gould ShawmutA3-100C1000TS 1000A/1000VAC Amp-trap Fuse Series Q 100kAA3100C

Gould ShawmutA4BY5000 5000A Fuse Class L 600V Form 480 Amptrap A4BY 5000 AmpsA

Gould ShawmutA4J400 Amptrap Fuse 400 Amp 600V Class J

Gould ShawmutA50P700 Amptrap Fuse 700A 500V Form 101

Gould ShawmutA6K250R Amptrap Fuse 250 Amp 600V RK1 A

Gould ShawmutA70P100 Amptrap Fuse 100 Amp 700V Form101

Gould ShawmutA70P2700-226 Amptrap Fuse 2700 Amps 700V Amp A Three A70P900128A

Gould ShawmutA70P350 Amp-trap 350A 700V Fuse Type 4 350 Amp

Gould ShawmutA70P3600-226 Amptrap Fuse 3600 Amps 700 Volts Class J Amp AV

Gould ShawmutA70P60 Amptrap Fuse 60 Amp 700V Form 101

Gould ShawmutAJT250 LOT OF 3 250 Amp 600V CL Current Limiting Fuse250A

Gould ShawmutAmptrap A6MA Fuse 800A TB15K20 ATI-CM20

Gould ShawmutATM5 Lot of 10  Amp-trap Fuse 5 Amp 600VAC 500VDC 5A ATM-5NNB

Gould ShawmutOT-3 Lot of 10  in Box Fuses 3 Amp 250V 3A NIB

Gould ShawmutTRS300R 300A Tri-onic Time Delay Fuse

Gould Size 1A821C Motor Starter 30 Amp 600V 10HP Sz1 A80K10 CoilTelemecanique

Gould/ITEU1C4100 100A 600V 3PH 4W 30A Breaker XL-U Plug Busplug UIC4100UEC4100

Gould/ModiconJ474 484 Communication Option Slave PLC Module J-474 CommSlave

GrahamTransmissions 176B8013 Enclosed Varispeed 2000 DC ControllerBoard

GrantInstruments OQ8-4K Squirrel Meter / Logger 0Q8-4K

Great LakesIndustries 671C7F1G0N 671 Conductivity Analyzer GLI

Great LakesInstruments Model 692P Two-TWire PH Transmitter692M4G1003-D1

Great LakesInstruments Model 692P Two-Wire PH Transmitter692P3F5A7N

GTE SylvaniaSEH-3-C-50 50 Amp Type SEH Circuit Breaker 480 VAC SEH3C5050A

Gulf States1-1/2" x 3" x 5/8-11 Box of 80 Abrasive Grinding Wheels RotaryTool

Gulf States1-1/4" x 3" x 5/8" Box of 175 Type 19R Point Abrasive GrindingCone

Gulf States1-1/4" x 3" x 5/8-11 Box of 150 Abrasive Grinding Wheels BitCone

Hach P/N:47605-01 High Range Phosphate Series 5000 Control Module PLCCompany

HACH Series5000 Analyzer Silicia Water Monitor Operator Interface

HammondPH3000AJ 3000VA Pri 600V - Sec 120V Transformer 600-120V 3KVA NIB

HansenTechnologies FMP-11-A Frost Master Plus Controller 115V 0.1A50/60Hz

HansenTechnologies H7773H 3/8" MPTxFPT Angle Gauge / Purge Valve BarHandle

Harris6290-2NX Cutting Tip Welding Heating 1501240 62902NX  LOT OF 7NIB

HBMENKA-Tecnica K104-Joe PLC ENKATecnica K104Joe Module CircuitBoard

HBM ME 50 PLCME50 603.02-2120 260891 K Hottinger Measuring AmplifierModule

HC PowerHC75-C1643 Power Supply 115VAC 20A 208-240VAC 15A

HeinemannEaton GJ1P-Z8-4 400A Circuit Breaker GJ1P-H99-M-A-DU 2 Pole 400Amp

HewlettPackard 28673A 10:10 LAN Bridge HP 28673 A

HewlettPackard C2550T 07-1412-05 5.25" External Optical Disk Drive USDesign HP

HikariLEG-107LC Earth Leakage Relay 100/110VAC

HikariLEG-107LC Earth Leakage Relay 100/110VAC

HirschmannMS3124-4 MICE Switching Module MS31244 rack 4 slotchassis

HitachiHFC-VWS 16HF3D 20 HP S3D AC Transistor Inverter VS Drive 15 HP 460V31A

HitachiHFC-VWS VWS2.5HF3UH Transistor Inverter Drive 3.8 Amp 460V 3Ph3.8A

HitachiJ300-220HFU 30/40HP 54A 460V IGBT Inverter Variable Speed Drive VS40 HP

Hitachi Seiki10-56-00-00 PLC PC Board 10560000 B 6N50-7Z-1 0021 IO-128Japan

HitranAH1115-00 0501 In: 520-700-780 Delta - Out: 400Y/230 +/- 5%Transformer

HoffmanAST4404R 400A Enclosure Splitter Trough and Gutter SteelGray

HoffmanD-AH2002A 230 Volts 200 Watts Electric Heater Control PLC DAH2002AVAC

Honeywell14500102-004 Module PLC PCB Board 1450010200414500101-004

Honeywell14500102-005 Module PLC PCB Board 1450010200514500101-005

Honeywell14500104-005 Rev 15 Module PLC PCB Board 1450010400514500103-005

Honeywell14500106-001 Rev 5 Module PLC PCB Board 1450010600114500105-001

Honeywell14500108-003 Module PLC PCB Board 1450010800314500107-002

Honeywell14500108-004 Module PLC PCB Board 1450010800314500107-002

Honeywell14500110-003 Module PLC PCB Board Rev 7 1450011000314500109-001

Honeywell14500110-004 Module PLC PCB Board 1450011000414500109-001

Honeywell14500112-004 Module PLC PCB Board 1450011200414500111-002

Honeywell14500116-001 Module PLC PCB Board 1450011600114500115-001

Honeywell14500122-001 Module PLC PCB Board Rev 6 1450012200114500121-001

Honeywell14500124-001 Module PLC PCB Board Rev 6 1450012400114500123-001

Honeywell14500128-001 Module PLC PCB Board 1450012800114500127-001

所属分类:中国电工电气网 / PLC
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