EDS 3400 EDS3346-2-0016-000-F1 贺德克
EDS 3400紧凑型电子压力开关EDS3346-2-0016-000-F1
Available versions:
Standard; in conformance with DESINA®; Menu navigation inaccordance with VDMA; with front-flush diaphragm
The EDS 3400 is a compact electronic pressure switch withintegrated digital display for relative pressure measurement in thehigh-pressure range. It is provided for this purpose with astainless steel measuring cell with thin-film DMS. The device has 1or 2 switching outputs and one reversible analogue output signal (4... 20 mA or 0 ... 10V). A special feature of the EDS 3400 is theoption of rotating the display in 2 axes. The device can beoptimally aligned in practically any random installation position,which means that additional costs for the mechanical alignmentadapter which is usually required are dispensed with. The4-character digital display can show the pressure in bar, psi orMPa. It is possible for the user to select between the differentunits. With this function, the device re-scales the switchingsettings automatically in accordance with the new unit. Inaddition, the EDS 3400 is also available in a variant whichconforms to DESINA®. The variant with the front-flush diaphragm wasspecially developed for applications in which the media used couldlead to a blockage, gumming-up or freezing of a standard pressureconnection. The main applications of the EDS 3400 are to be foundprimarily in hydraulics, pneumatics and in refrigeration andair-conditioning technology. Further applications include processeswhere the medium changes frequently and any residues could causemixing or contamination of the media.
1 or 2 PNP transistor switch outputs, up to 1.2 A load peroutput
Accuracy ±1% FS
Optional reversible analogue output (4 ... 20 mA / 0 ...10V)
4-character digital display
Capable of optimum alignment through rotational capability intwo axes
Selection of value display in bar, psi or MPa
Simple handling through key programming
Switching points and reset hysteresis can be adjustedindependently of one another
Many helpful additional functions
Option of terminal assignment with diagnostics function inconformance with DESINA®
Optional with front-flush diaphragm
Optional with menu navigation in accordance with VDMA(unit sheet VDMA 24574-1)
EDS 3446-2-0250-000
EDS 3346-2-0016-000-F1
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